Events and Exhibitions
relating to the Amarna period
and surrounding history
(See also New
& Cool on the Web)
Pharaohs of the Sun * Other Exhibitions *
Talks * Radio and Television * Other Events
of the Sun
stunning exhibition covers Ancient Egyptian art from the reigns
of Amenhotep III, Akhenaten and Tutankhamun, and includes over
250 objects. Carefully designed from gallery space to audio guide,
it is a learning experience for amateur and scholar alike. Included
are a scale model of the "City of the Horizon," several never-before-seen
restored partial colossi, and many objects from royal and poor
households. For more, see our review.
Look at the Exhibition
Book available!
exhibition will be travelling to four locations, listed below.
Thanks for lots of info are due to EEF
Place |
Information |
November 14, 1999 - February 6, 2000
Boston: Museum of Fine Arts
465 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, Massachusetts
MFA info: phone (617) 267-9300
MFA web: http://www.mfa.org
More info: http://mfa.org/pressroom/pharaohs/
Exhibition Website: http://www.mfa.org/egypt/amarna/index.html
This is part of Egypt in Boston: http://www.boston.com/egypt/
While you're in Boston, see Akhnaton by Philip Glass: http://www.boston.com/egypt/boston_lyric_opera.html
March 19 - June 4, 2000
Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art
5905 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036
phone: (323) 857-6000
email: publicinfo@lacma.org
Hotel Packages: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/000308/ca_lacva_h_1.html
Private tour available: May 22. For reservations, call (323)
874-8681 or (818) 768-1236. (info: http://www.arcesc.org/
) |
July 17-September 24, 2000
Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago
111 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60603
phone: (312) 443-3600 |
Tickets now on Sale: http://www.ticketmaster.com
News Item: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/000331/il_art_ins_1.html
See also Akhnaten, an opera by Philip Glass: http://www.ChicagoOperaTheater.org/
Egypt in Chicago: http://www.egyptinchicago.org/
(Further information in "Other Events" below)
November 23, 2000 - February 18, 2001 Netherlands:
Rijksmuseum van Oudheden
Rapenburg 28, P.O. Box 11114, NL-2301 EC Leiden
phone: +31 71 5163163
email: info@rmo.nl |
Farao's van de zon. Achnaton - Nefertiti - Toetanchamon
Dutch info: http://www.rmo.nl/nederl/foz.html
English info: http://www.rmo.nl/engels/foz.html |
Place |
Details |
Current (?)
High West Street Dorchester, Dorset
phone: +44 1305 269571
Tutankhamun Exhibition
"Experience the excitement of the world's greatest discovery of
ancient treasure. Be there as Howard Carter unearths the 3000 year
secrets of Tutankhamun's tomb. Explore the ante-chamber filled with
treasure. And enter the burial chamber to witness Carter raising
the golden coffins. The whole museum is recreated." (Source: EEF
NEWS) http://www.bournemouth.co.uk/ptg/dd003900.htm |
Luxor Las Vegas,
3900 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89119, USA.
phone: (702) 262-4555
King Tutankhamun's Tomb & Museum
Reproduction of Tutankhamun's Tomb.
"The measurements of each of the rooms are exact. The treasures
therein were reproduced by artisans using the same gold leaf and
linens, precious pigments, tools and original 3,300-year-old methods,
and each is meticulously positioned according to the records maintained
by the Carter expedition. The exhibit houses hundreds of reproductions,
including the world-famous guardian statues, King Tut's sarcophagus,
and an array of statues, vases, beds, baskets and pottery."
15 minute, self guided, audio tour.
source: http://www.luxor.com/imax.html#tomb
(Thanks to Aayko Eyma)
March 9, 2000- April 22, 2000
Centralne Muzeum Wlokiennictwa [Central Museum of Textiles]
ul. Piotrkowska 282, PL-93034 Lodz
tel: +48 42 683 26 84
fax: +48 42 684 33 55
Tutankhamun's wardrobe: A travelling exhibition
"The exhibition will highlight the lavish nature of the textiles
and garments, while putting them into a social context. It will
also show how the various elements, technical analysis, written,
as well as visual evidence have been combined to build up a picture
of Tutankhamun's wardrobe. Because of the extremely fragile nature
of the garments, no original textiles will be included in the exhibition.
Instead, more then twenty-five replicas will be presented which
show the garments as Tutankhamun would have seen and worn them.
Afterwards the exhibition will travel to the Netherlands in April,
and showings are planned for the USA (San Diego; Chicago; Newark,
N.J.; and Washington, D.C.) and Europe (Athens; London; Edinburgh,
Scotland; and Leeds, England)." (Source: EEF
Exhibition Website: http://www.tutankhamuns-wardrobe.com/
Swedish Website: http://www.boras.se/kultur/museer/texmus/index.htm
English Website: http://lotta.pub.hb.se/tutankhamon/index.htm
Swedish Articles: http://lotta.pub.hb.se/tutankhamon/artikel.htm
News Articles: http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/science/
Museum Website: http://www.muzeumwlokiennictwa.muz.pl/wystawye.html#wc2
e-mail: ctmustex@muzeumwlokiennictwa.muz.pl
(Central Museum of Textiles) |
15 May - November, 2000 (during the Expo 2000
in Hanover)
Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum
Am Steine 1-2, D- 31134 Hildesheim, Germany
phone: +49 5121 93 69 0
fax: +49 5121 35 283
email: rp-museum@t-online.de
Ramses und Echnaton - Pharaonen erobern die Welt
[Ramses and Akhnaten - Pharaohs conquer the world]
"More than 200 exhibits from Kairo and other museums, many of which
have not been shown before elsewhere. In addition the results of
the excavation in Qantir will be presented." (Source: Hildesheimer
Allgemeine Zeitung, September 30, 1999, via EEF
Time, Place |
Details |
Sunday May 21 2000
7:30 pm
Oasis Restaurant, 294 College Street, just west of Spadina, Toronto,
Canada |
Benben Books Presents:
Ancient Egyptian Erotica
An illustrated lecture by Dr. Lyn Green, recently of the Royal
Ontario Museum
"The speaker is an Amarna specialist in Toronto and, in spite
of the generalized nature of the title for public consumption,
she will concentrate on the sensuality of the Amarna art and where
it stands between the earlier 18th dynasty precedents and the
following Ramesside evidence of erotic art." (Source: Daniel
M. Kolos)
$10.00 at the door.
Sunday May 21 2000
1:00 pm
LACMA Museum Lecture Hall
Los Angeles |
Pharaohs of the Sun by Dr Rita
info: (323) 874-8681 or PFDES@AOL.com |
Thursday, 25 May, 2000
7:30 pm
Gencor Auditorium Technikon SA Christiaan De Wet Street
Discovery 1709
South Africa |
Akhenaten and the Bible
Illustrated lecture by Dr. Mary Scott, Department of Classics, University
of the Witwatersrand
In association with the Egyptian Society of South Africa, Johannesburg
Members free. Non-members R10.
Source: http://users.iafrica.com/g/gr/grenvill/
under "Diary" Contact email: erics@acenet.co.za
Tuesday, 4 July, 2000
7 pm
Main Arts Theatre, University of Manchester, Manchester, England |
New excavations in the Valley of the Kings: the Amarna Royal
Tombs Project by Professor Geoffrey Martin.
Followed by the Northern Branch Summer Party.
Source: http://www.thornbridge.zetnet.co.uk/pages/eesnorth.htm
e-mail: R.David@man.ac.uk
Phone: 0161 275 2647
Saturday, September 23, 2000
2-5 pm
Brighton & Hove
6th Form College, 205, Dyke Road, Hove
East Sussex
UK |
The Amarna Heresy
by David Rohl
More info at the Sussex Egyptology Society Homepage: http://website.lineone.net/~egyptology-sussex/egyptology-sussex/
David Rohl's site: http://www.nunki.net
(Thanks to John Wall for mentioning this)
Thursday, 30 November, 2000
7:30 pm
Gencor Auditorium Technikon SA Christiaan De Wet Street
Discovery 1709
South Africa |
Pharaohs of the Sun
Illustrated lecture by Kim Lings
In association with the Egyptian Society of South Africa, Johannesburg
Members free. Non-members R10.
Source: http://users.iafrica.com/g/gr/grenvill/
under "Diary" Contact email: erics@acenet.co.za
Place |
Details |
May 29, 30 and 31
7 am
(and possibly on into June) |
The Face of Tutankhamun
Parts 1, 2 and 3 of 5 of a series on the discovery of Tut's tomb
and its effects.
Source: The
Ancient World On Television
Place |
Details |
Saturday, June 17, 2000
10.00am - 4.30pm
Leeds City Art Gallery
(correction) |
The North Yorkshire Ancient Egypt Group is giving
a Day School with Joyce Tyldesley and Steven Snape.
Interested parties should contact Anne Murray at: nefernefer2000@aol.com
Book in advance to ensure a place. The launch of Joyce Tyldesley's
two new books will out in June also and the launch of these will
tie up with day school.
(I don't know how much 'Amarna' content this has)
(Source: Anne Murray and EEF
News) |
Wednesday, July 19 to
Sunday, July 30, 2000
Chicago Opera
Chicago |
Akhnaten - An Opera by Philip Glass
The Chicago Opera
Theater presents this co-production with the Boston Lyric
Opera. The opera played in Boston this January and February. It
will be returning this summer, playing at the following times:
Wednesday, July 19, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, July 21, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, July 23, 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, July 27, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, July 29, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, July 30, 3:00 p.m.
Approximate running time: 2 hours 15 minutes, including one 20-minute
intermission. Presented in English, Hebrew, Egyptian Arabic and
the ancient language of Akhadian. A narrator presents all spoken
text in English. (Source: COT
Chicago Opera Theater: http://www.ChicagoOperaTheater.org/
Egypt in Chicago: http://www.egyptinchicago.org/
Reviews: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/4482/Glass.html
Philip Glass: http://www.philipglass.com/
( Hear
sample tracks online )
July 24 - 28, 2000
registration deadline: Friday, July 14
Ancient Egypt in Chicago
"A Week-Long Seminar Presented by the OI and the Graham School
of General Studies. With lectures and lively discussions, access
to the rare art and artifacts housed in the Joseph and Mary Grimshaw
Egyptian Gallery, insight into the OI research projects (Demotic
Dictionary, Epigraphic Survey in Luxor, etc), plus expert-led tours
of the "Pharaohs of the Sun" exhibition (Art Institute of Chicago)
and "Inside Ancient Egypt" exhibition (The Field Museum). Instructors:
W. Raymond Johnson, John Larson, Robert K. Ritner, and Emily Teeter.
[#; source: ANE-L]" (Source: EEF
costs: $495 for OI Members, $545 for Non-Members
registration deadline: Friday, July 14
info: The Oriental Institute Museum Education Office
tel: (773) 702-9507, e-mail: oi-education@uchicago.edu |
August 26-27, 2000
Intercontinental Hotel in Chicago
Seminar in connection with Pharaohs of the Sun in Chicago
It will be led by Dr. Chahinda Karim (Ph.D., Art History) who
is a professor of art history at the American University in Cairo.
The subjects she will cover are:
- The life of Akenaten: his religion, philosophy, literature
and of course among others, The Prayer to the Sun.
- The Royal family and "Queen of Amarna" - his family life
and life with Nefertiti
- The existing theories about Akenaton
- Amarna Art
The fee of $225 also includes the visit to the exhibit with Dr.
Karim and preparation and debriefing time in connection with it,
as well as one lunch. There will also be some optional excursions
- The Chicago Architecture Foundation River Cruise and a night
at Ravinia for those who are interested.
"Dr. Karim is a lecturer on my educational tours to Egypt.
We just hosted the Boston Museum of Science. A participant commented
that her depth of knowledge on the subject of Amarna and Akhenaten
was massive compared to any of the lectures the MFA sponsored."
-- Temma Ecker, Journeys of the Mind
Run by Journeys of the Mind:
Website: http://www.journeysofthemind.com
email: journeys@earthlink.net
(Information sent to the Akhet-Aten Home Page by Temma Ecker of
Journeys of the Mind, Inc.)
Friday to Monday, 9/6 - 11/6, 2000
Missenden Abbey Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0BD
UK |
Tutankhamun's Egypt
A residential course dealing with this pharaoh and Egypt during
this period of time.
Teacher: Suzanne Bojtos (MPhil in Egyptology from University College
nfo: suzanne_bojtos@hotmail.com,
tel: 441494 862904. (Source: EEF
Online Sources:
Diary for the Ancient Near East
News and Gossip
The Ancient
World On Television
Egyptology Organisations
Archaeological Institute of
America, San Diego
Ancient World on Television
If you know of more online sources for information
about lectures, exhibitions and other events, please let
me know.
